All about LowerGear's outdoor gear business
First off, to address why you're on this page - yes, there are real people behind this site, working in real stores and warehouses in Tempe and Lake Havasu City AZ. We're easy to find, and easy to do business with. If you have a problem, you can ask for the owner and get something done about it. We've never been sued, never had a BBB complaint lodged against us, never even had a credit card chargeback where we were at fault. Not many businesses can say that about their online operations. Our retail stores are pretty darn spiffy too. If you call us at 480-348-8917, you won't reach a customer center overseas; you'll be talking to some regular folks minding the store, including the owner on the floor about every day of the year.From our retail store in Tempe we sell backpacking gear, camping supplies and kayaks from Hobie, Old Town, Riot and other brand kayaks. We maintain a good selection of local and regional trail and city maps, with hiking, kayaking and biking books. Locally, and nationwide though this site, we rent all the camping gear basics such as tents and backpacks; hard to find rental gear like water filters & trekking poles; and handheld GPS units for trail use and geocaching events. We're open 363 days a year at 2650 N. Scottsdale Rd, Tempe AZ 85288. Out of our Arizona retail and warehouse facilities we meet the outdoor gear rental needs of the family-of-four; the solo long distance hiker; or a group of hundreds going on a retreat - anywhere in the country. For more than 21 years, we have shipped rental gear direct to adventure travelers just like you at any location you specify, or you can stop by our store for gear sales and rental pick-ups. Use it, enjoy it, re-box it and drop it off at a nearby Fedex or other authorized shipping center, or drop it back off at our store. Check us out at work and play on our Facebook page - we need some more fans anyway.

LowerGear.com is just one of the family of web sites owned and operated by Mast Advertising & Publishing, Inc, the parent company's awkward, but legal, name. As a company we've been around since 1959, happy 60th anniversary to us a few years back and have served hundreds of thousands of customers nationwide; probably you can count on us too. Check online, you won't find many negative reviews on us - except for that one Yelper we really irritated some time back - but that's not bad considering as long as we've been around. My family wishes they only had one complaint against me in the last half century. Peppered throughout the text on the site are tales with references to "me", "I", "we", etc. That would be me, Dallas Shewmaker, owner of Mast, this site, and your basic hiker, kayaker and backpacker whenever I can get out of the office. I get the credit or blame for whatever you see here or experience while doing business with us. See my story here. Want to send me an e-mail? Reach me on our Contact Us page; it will go straight to me. Call us, and there's a good chance I'll answer the phone - listen for the Southern drawl that the AZ sun hasn't quite dried out yet. And just in case we didn't have enough going on, we also own a retail store in Lake Havasu, featuring kayaks and paddle boards for sale and rent along with camping gear too. In Lake Havasu we're known as Southwest Outfitters, 159 Paseo del Sol, Lake Havasu City 86403. (928)680-9257
At either location, our expert staff has walked and talked what we carry, and is glad to help you with your gear, kayak or GPS selection process to make sure you have the best experience possible. We also have lots of help resources on this site; start here to look for answers. Or, just drop us an email with your inquiry and contact information or a good time to call you on the phone if you prefer. Give us a couple of hours - we might just have to come in from the trail before we get back with you!