Backpacks for Sale
While we now carry a wide range of outdoor gear at our retail store and online, we got started with mostly just backpacks.  While we prefer selling a pack in person at our store so we can best ensure a great fit, most aren't close enough for that so we can of course sell them online as well.  We'd still suggest giving us a call before placing an order to make sure we have what you looking for, and to walk you through some real-world uses of a given pack before you hit the trail. New, used and rentals.

Backpack brands we carry include:
Sierra Designs

Pack sizes start with 11-liter trail runners up to...
While we now carry a wide range of outdoor gear at our retail store and online, we got started with mostly just backpacks.  While we prefer selling a pack in person at our store so we can best ensure a great fit, most aren't close enough for that so we can of course sell them online as well.  We'd still suggest giving us a call before placing an order to make sure we have what you looking for, and to walk you through some real-world uses of a given pack before you hit the trail. New, used and rentals.

Backpack brands we carry include:
Sierra Designs

Pack sizes start with 11-liter trail runners up to 100+ liter mountaineering packs when you have carry the kitchen sink.
Read more about this category . . .

There are 6 products in this category listed below. See photos, descriptions and specs.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items