If you are doing research before joining the more than 80,000 customers that have rented our camping and travel gear, or have already received your camping gear rental package from us, here's where you can learn a bit more about the setup and operation of a specific travel or camping equipment before you head out on your next trip.

The information below provides more details on how to use the camp shovel.  A shovel is a shovel, and it does shovel things, but there is some setup to make is useable after your get it with your other rental gear.  We encourage you to give us a call or find more resources online if more details are needed. For more information on this rental item including rates, check out the main product page at Rent a Folding Shovel. There are more how-to pages on nearly all of our most popular rental items; find most at our video and user guide to rentals main page .

While we preach leave-no-trace, you can use a shovel for cleaning up a spot for your tent, a fire ring, or a latrine.  The shove we rent packs down to a small size for transport.

rent a camping shovel

Fully folded up, it takes up little space

camping gear shovel rental

You can adjust the angle of the blade of the shovel to use at either a 90' angle or straight shovel mode.  Tighten the threaded part you see below when you have the blade at the desired angle
adjusting the shovel we rent

Use the rented shovel in either 'hoe' or traditional straight shovel modes.
rental shovel in hoeing position     renting a shovel in spade mode