If you are doing research before joining the more than 80,000 customers that have rented our camping and travel gear, or have already received your camping gear rental package from us, here's the page to learn some more about the setup and operation of a specific camping or travel gear item before you head out on your big adventure.
The information below provides more details on how to adjust and load the child carrier, but we encourage you to give us a call or find more resources online if more details are needed. For more information on this rental item including rates, check out the main product page at
Rent Backpack - Child Carrier for Hiking and Tours. There are more how-to pages on nearly all of our most popular rental items; find most at our
video and user guide to rentals main page .
The child carrier is designed much like other backpacks, but with unique features to carry a more precious cargo - a young child under 50 pounds - instead of gorp and a tent. Note - cute child pictured not included in rental.

There are a number of straps to adjust, so you can best fit your child - how high he sits (peer over or level with the adult's head), "stirrups" for his feet", and for securing her into the carrier with no danger of falling out.

The optional sun cover is typically stashed in the back of the carrier. There are also storage areas for

The 'kickstand' allows you to fit the child in the carrier before loading on to your back. The stand can be recessed in once loaded up. The pack has traditional adjustability with the hip belt and torso length to best fit the one carrying the child.