For many campers these days, getting away doesn't mean being out of contact the entire time. If you're car camping, maybe you can just plug your electronics into its power receptacle to get recharged. But if a vehicle isn't a nearby option, here's a lightweight battery pack you can take with you to stay hooked up.
We have a few different models we provide, mainly from Anker, a good quality brand. All have at least 2 USB ports to charge 2 devices at once. Keep your phone, GPS, camera, lighting or other electronics working in the back-country even when many miles from the nearest land power source.
Most of the ones we offer have 20,000 mah capacity, which is good for several charges of even the most power-hungry mobile phones. At that storage capacity it does come in at about a pound, so keep that in mind if backpacking. It'll hold its own charge for many hours, so it's enough for a couple recharges; and can recharge a smartphone in fast mode in almost the same time as a normal wall plug.
Only a few on hand so you may need to call us during the busier summer months to check for availability.