All of the sleeping bags we rent are top-quality; well-designed, relatively lightweight bags that will help keep you warm and dry at night. All of our bags have a synthetic material fill; natural down is slightly lighter and more expensive, but if you get it wet, you're basically screwed for a few days until it dries out. Synthetic filled bags will still function fairly well even if they get wet. For those reasons, we decided to stick to the synthetic fills for all of the bags we carry, although they don't stuff down as well as the down ones. And yes, we fully wash each bag between rentals, so you won't be catching any bugs or anything from the prior renter - here's me in action. Lot's of fun.
Most of the sleeping bags we rent are categorized by the general temperature range in which they will be used. Those options include Warm Weather, Cool Weather and Cold Weather models. Those are all "Regular" length bags for campers 6' and under. This product listing falls into the "cool-weather" category (30-40F) and is for taller guys - the bags are long enough so you can cinch the hood all the way up at the top to help stay warm. This extra length isn't too important in the summer though, so you'd probably be OK with a regular Warm Weather model. We also have double-wides if your tent mate is a good buddy, and some monster bags for subzero temps.
There are lots of other factors that influence your comfort, including your metabolism; what you're wearing; the quality of your mattress pad; the size of your tent; and how many campers are in the tent with you. It might be tempting to always take the warmest bag possible, but be aware that the warmer the bag, usually it also bulkier and heavier to carry.
To maximize comfort and the warmth capacity of the bag, be sure to also rent a mattress such as one of our various Thermarest or other brand options. Don't try to save a few bucks and plan to just sleep directly on the tent floor - you'll be in for one miserable night. And the mattress pad can have as much to do with how warm you are as the bag. Another hint - if you have excess room lengthwise in your bag, stuff some of your clothes in the bottom to help keep your feet warm and reduce the amount of air inside the bag your body heat has to try to warm up, or throw in a hand warmer packet. If you want to add another 5-10 degrees of warmth to any bag we carry, we rent bag liners that are also good as a standalone bag at 55-60 degrees or more.
Our rental sleeping bags are from well-known brands such as Kelty, Alps Mountaineering, Mountain Hardwear, and Sierra Designs. The ones in this series are suitable for either backpacking or car camping and are rated in the 35F range. We also have a few tall bags that are rated for around 20F, but you'd need to specifiy that as you check out in the "comments box".
See our Advice Pages, including more info on sleeping pads, sleeping bags and general info on getting a good night's snooze in the woods or just give us a call. For some third-party user reviews of this and other gear we rent and sell, visit our backpacking and camping user gear review page.
Note - this item has a high volume-to-weight ratio - that is, it may be relatively light, but it eats up a lot of box space for its weight. Rental shipments including this item often require a bigger box that is subject to a rate surcharge by UPS, so the effective shipping weight calculated at checkout is higher than the actual weight.
Weight | 3 |
Temperature Range | Cool Weather |