See all of our outdoor rental gear we can deliver to you in Denver for your next backpacking or camping trip!
Whether you are traveling to or from Denver, or anywhere else in Colorado, you can escape the crowds and enjoy the outdoors as it was meant to be - either camping in a nearby campground or backpacking into the wilderness. When you hire our backpacking or camping gear, you'll see how much money you can save by renting rather than buying. Arranging backpacking, camping and satellite messengers for our shipment to you in Denver is easy; just click on the Rentals tab above to get started. You can rent tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, hydration gear, lights - anything you need for a wonderful outdoor experience - at much lower cost than other local retailers. We also have new gear for sale as well as any supplies and accessories you might need.
We'll ship your outdoor equipment direct to your home before your trip, or to any convenient location in or near Denver. After your trip, you can box up the camping gear rental items, affix the provided prepaid return label, and drop off the gear at the carrier's closest shipping point. An example location for pickup or drop-off of our gear is this location right in town, but there are many other convenient alternatives in the area:
Fedex Office
555 17th St
Suite 190
Denver, Colorado 80202
There are more than 71 outdoor gear items on our site you can rent; the most common ones are listed below:
Backpacks for any wilderness or airline trip
Tents from 1-person to 6-person sizes for backpacking or car-camping
Sleeping bags and pads for sub-zero to summer temperature ranges
GPS and satellite communication devices
Camp cooking gear (don't cook inside the tent!)
Rent the I-am-surprised-I-can-rent-this particular-camping-gear item
Even if you are brand new to adventures in the backcountry, we can still help - check out all of our how-to articles to become a pro before heading out, or just give us a call!
If we're shipping rental gear to you, order far enough in advance to allow for a few days of transit time. Note that you are not charged rent during these transit days. We can get backpacking and gear rentals to you in Denver or anywhere else in the US in 5 business days or less via Ground service.
We know you may have choices in renting camping gear in Denver, and hope you give us a chance. If needed here is further information on your outdoor gear options.