The LowerGear Outdoors Center is full-service kayaking, backpacking, camping, outdoor gear rental and wilderness supply retailer serving the Tempe area from our store and distribution center located in Tempe Arizona, at 2650 N. Scottsdale Road, between McDowell and McKellips.

We rent and sell Mattress Pads and other wilderness gear, as well as Hobie kayaks from our retail store, or can ship any gear or supplies you need nationwide. Mattress pads from Thermarest and Klymit make up most of our selection on our retail shelves - everything from pads suitable for car camping in luxury, to superlight versions more suited to backpacking where every ounce counts. Some of the pads are designed for cold weather, with higher than normal "R-values" - that give a relative indication of how warm the mattress pad will keep you when the temperatures start dropping. It's important to have good insulation from the cold ground, as well have some cushioning beneath you for a a better night's sleep.

Some of the gear brands we carry in our Tempe camping center include Sunday Afternoons, Fits Socks, Sierra Designs, Granite Gear, Kelty, ThermaRest, ULA, Riot Kayaks, MSR, Big Sky, Gregory, Deuter, Oboz and Hobie Kayaks. If there's anything these manufacturers offer that we don't happen to have on our retail shelf, we'll be glad to order it for you. If you'd like to research online before making your outdoors gear and supplies decision, check out our backpacking and camping user gear review page.

You can find a wide selection of used and consigned camping gear at our store, and we can rent or sell anything you need - including any type of Mattress Pads for any outdoors trip - we can even ship rental camping gear right to your destination so you don't have to carry it in your car or on a plane! Our backpacking gear store hours are 9am - 5pm Monday thru Friday, 10am - 4pm on Saturdays and 12- 4 on Sunday. Our retail location is easy for anyone looking for Mattress Pads to find and to get to from anywhere in Tempe. We are in zip code 85288 but serve local zip codes 85001 through 85399.

We teach Merit Badge classes in Backpacking and Geocaching for local Grand Canyon Council Boy Scouts in our retail store's class room. The room is also available for any Tempe-area outdoors club or wilderness organization that wants to use it for their monthly meeting. Our experienced outdoors employees offer classes to the public as well from our local store - some of the more popular outdoors-related educational sessions include:

Wilderness First Aid
Leave No Trace Principles
Map Reading and Navigation Skills
Using a GPS
Backpacking 101
Lightening up your Backpack load
Gourmet Camp cooking

Our focus is on ultralight backpacking gear and we are glad to share our expertise to help you lighten up your backpacking load so your next outdoors adventure is more fun. We rent and sell lightweight versions of backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, mattress pads and pretty much any other type of outdoor gear you can imagine.

At Lowergear Outdoors, many people come into our store and ask about good places to go hiking. The Tempe and surrounding area is blessed with many opportunities to get outdoors for some exercise, but our favorites include these spots:

Piestawa Peak, in north-central Phoenix
Usery Mountain Park in east Mesa
Superstitions Mountains near Apache Junction
South Mountain, near Ahwatukee and South Phoenix
Dreamy Draw, in north-central Phoenix
McDowell Mountains, in Northeast Scottsdale
Camelback Mountain, in Paradise Valley

Be sure to visit our store for last minute supplies before heading out on your next hike!

For more assistance, give us a call at 480-348-8917, stop by our store at 2650 N. Scottsdale Road, between McDowell and McKellips or check out our Facebook page for the latest news and sales deals!

Tempe Arizona Hobie Kayaks for sale and rent retailer

Tempe outdoor footware and backpacking equipment retailer

Tempe hiking poles, water filters, and cooking stoves for sale or rent

Tempe backpacks, camping tents and outdoor apparel store